
姓名 熊建国
电话 62009433
Email: xiongjg@pku.edu.cn




2012.9-2016.7  北京大学,地理学(地貌学与环境演变),获理学博士学位

2009.9-2012.7  北京师范大学,自然地理学,获理学硕士学位

2005.9-2009.7  北京林业大学,环境科学,获理学学士学位


2018.12-至今   中国地震局地质研究所,新构造与年代学实验室,副研究员

2016.9-2018.10  中山大学,构造地质学,博士后,合作导师:张培震教授





Xiong J.*, Zhang H., Zhao X., Liu Q., Li Y., Zhang P., 2020. Origin of the Late Cenozoic Aeolian Deposits in the Southeast Loess Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews (under review).

Zhong Y., Xiong J.*, Li Y., Zheng W., Zhang P., Lu H., Liu Q., Lei J., Chen G., Gong Z., Hu X., Zhang H., 2019. Crustal shortening in the southern Zhangye Basin and its implications for the deformation distribution of the Qilian Shan, NE Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth doi.org/10.1029/2020JB020631.

Tao Y., Xiong J., Zhang H.*, Chang H., Li L., 2020. Climatically- driven formation of fluvial terraces on and around the Tibetan Plateau since the late mid- Pleistocene: a review, Quaternary Science Reviews 237, 106303.

Liu Q.*, Li Y., Xiong J., Zhang H., Ge W., Zhao X., Hu X., Zhong Y., Xin W., 2020. Late Quaternary uniform deformation in the foreland of the North Qilian Shan, NE Tibet, Tectonics (under review).

Zhao X., Zhang H.*, Lv H., Lv Y., Li X., Liu K., Zhang J., Xiong J., 2020. Signatures of tectonic-climatic interaction during the late Cenozoic orogenesis along the northern Chinese Tian Shan, Basin Research 00, 1-21.

Ren X.*, Xu J., Wang H., Michael S., Lu P., Mo D., Li T., Xiong J., Tristram K., 2020. Holocene fluctuations in vegetation and human population demonstrate social resilience in the prehistory of the Central Plains of China, Environmental Research Letters, (under review).

Chen G., Zheng W.*, Xiong J., Zhang P., Li Z., Yu J., Zhang X., Li X., Zhang Y., 2020. The late Quaternary formation and evolution of river terraces along the Yulin River: Implication for the northwest outward of the Altyn Tagh fault, on the northern Tibetan Plateau, NW China, Geomorphology  363, 107213.

Lei J.*, Li Y., Oskin M. E., Wang Y., Xiong J., Xin W., Hu X., Zhong Y., Liu F., 2020. Segmented Thrust Faulting: Example from the Northeastern Margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125.2: e2019JB018634.

熊建国*, 李有利, 张培震, 2020. 夷平面研究新进展. 地球科学进展 35(4): 378-388.



Li Z.*, Jia D., Chen W., Sun C.*, Li S., Zheng W., Zhang P., Li T., Xiong J., 2019. The effect of fault geometry and fold growth on surface morphology: insights from 3D geometric models and comparison with the Dushanzi Anticline, China. Tectonics http://doi.org/10.1029/2019TC005713.

Lu H.*, Li B., Wu D., Zhao J., Zheng X., Xiong J., Li Y., 2019. Spatiotemporal patterns of the late Quaternary deformation across the northern Chinese Tian Shan foreland. Earth-Science Reviews 194: 19-37.

赵旭东, 张会平*, 熊建国, 2019. 宇宙成因核素10Be在古侵蚀速率研究中的原理与应用. 第四纪研究39 (5): 1297-1306.

许斌斌, 张冬丽*, 张培震, 郑文俊, 毕海芸, 田晴映, 张逸鹏, 熊建国, 李志刚, 2019. 河流层状地貌面演化对走滑断裂断错位移的限定. 地震地质 41 (3): 587-602.



Xiong J. *, Li Y., Zheng W., Zhang P., Lei J., Zhong Y., Hu X., Li Z., Gong Z., Li T. et al., 2018. Climatically driven formation of the Tangxian planation surface in North China: An example from northwestern Zhongtiao Shan of the Shanxi Graben System. Lithosphere doi.org/10.1130/L720.1.



Xiong J., Li Y., Zhong Y., Lu H. *, Lei J., Xin W., Wang L., Hu X., Zhang P., 2017. Latest Quaternary thrusting recorded by a flight of strath terraces in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. Tectonics 36, 2973–2986.

Xiong J., Li Y., Zhong Y. *, Si S., Lei J., Xin W., Hu X., Yao, Y., 2017. Paleomagnetic age of the Tangxian planation surface, northwestern Zhongtiao Shan of the Shanxi Graben System, North China. Geomorphology 283, 17-31.

Lu H. *, Wu D., Cheng L., Zhang T., Xiong J., Zheng X., Li Y., 2017. Late quaternary drainage evolution in response to fold growth in the northern chinese tian shan foreland. Geomorphology 299, 12-23.

雷惊昊, 李有利*, 胡秀, 辛伟林, 熊建国, 钟岳志, 2017. 东大河阶地陡坎对民乐-大马营断裂垂直滑动速率的指示. 地震地质 39 (6), 1256-1266.

钟岳志, 李有利*, 熊建国, 雷惊昊, 辛伟林, 胡秀, 刘飞, 2017. 祁连山东段童子坝河河流阶地对气候变化与新构造运动的响应. 古地理学报 19 (6), 1075-1086.

陈干, 郑文俊*, 王旭龙, 张培震, 熊建国, 俞晶星, 刘兴旺, 毕海芸, 刘金瑞, 艾明, 2017. 榆木山北缘断裂现今构造活动特征及其对青藏高原NE扩展的构造地貌响应. 地震地质 39 (5), 1-18.



Xiong J. *, Li Y., Si S., Lv S., Wang Y., Zhong Y., Xin W., Ci H., 2016. A rock fall of the north Zhongtiao Shan fault and the Yongji earthquake in 793, Shanxi Province, north China. Arabian Journal of Geosciences 9 (18), 1–10.

Xiong J. *, Li Y., Zhong Y., Si S., Yao Y., 2016. Paleomagnetism of the Jianshui basin in Yunnan, SW China, and geomorphological evolution of the Yunnan Plateau since the Neogene. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 123, 67–77.

慈洪娟, 闫冬冬, 李有利*, 钟岳志, 吕胜华, 熊建国, 2016. 中条山北麓韩阳段冲沟发育及其新构造意义. 水土保持研究 23 (4), 363-367.



任庆龙, 马蒙, 谭利华*, 李容全, 熊建国, 2014. 虎头梁砾石钙膜的研究与意义. 北京师范大学学报(自然科学版) 50 (3), 298-301.



2.2017–2020国家重点实验室基本科研业务专项(LED2017A04), 柴达木盆地北缘构造变形与祁连山隆升历史,在研,主持



5.2020–2024第二次青藏科考古地理与构造地貌分队(2019QZKK0704), 在研,参与

6.2018–2021 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41772209),龙门山山前曲面型断层传播褶皱定量研究和三维数值建模,在研,参与









2017.11  中国博士后科学基金面上项目二等资助